Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Introduction To Saints For Christ

Saints for Christ (SFC) is a non-denomination Christian fellowship CCA in SAJC. Together with the SAJC Chaplaincy team, we are the spiritual leaders of SAJC; responsible for leading and caring for the spiritual well-being of the college. Aptly described by our mission statement – To know Christ and make Christ known, SFC exists to serve the college, to share with others the love of Christ and in the process, grow in our knowledge and love for the Lord.

You’ll see us sharing morning devotions during Scripture Reading, serving at Chapel, running Morning Worship and Morning Prayer, as well as other regular activities.

Our regular CCA times are on Wednesdays, 3.30pm to 6pm, usually at LT3 on the third floor. These CCA times, called Ministry Times, are started with worship and devotion. Ministry Time is where we are enriched by the word of God shared by the Chaplaincy team members and SFC teachers. Besides these meetings, we hold other meetings where we gather to discuss and carry out preparations, especially when there are upcoming events.

Through the various exciting projects (such as Easter week, Life Concert etc.) that we organise, SFC strives to provide a platform for Christian students and teachers to serve God by serving and blessing the college. Involvement in these projects provide us and those who contribute to the projects with precious opportunities to lead, organise and plan for events, projects and workshops, something that not many at our age do on a large scale.

Make a difference for the Lord in SAJC; labour with us in this vast harvest field! Won’t you join us in this journey?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is a 20 minute worship session held every morning at 7am, in Lecture Theatre 1. Volunteer Christian students will lead worship for a congregation of about 40+ people (so far). Songs and contemporary hymns are usually performed using guitars and vocal chords, as well as the occasional piano.

Every Wednesday, there will be a Morning Prayer, where the worship session is dedicated to praying. The congregation will be led by SFC members to pray over issues such as Thanksgiving, exam stress, etc. Sometimes, morning worship will even be held outdoors, in the netball court.

Morning worship is an excellent place for Christians in SAJC to serve the Lord. You may volunteer to be a worship leader, a guitarist, a projectionist, or even a pianist! There will be a Worship Leading Workshop conducted for all volunteers, after which they will take the role as Assistant Worship Leaders in order to gain experience before they step up in front of the congregation.

For those who wish to serve in Morning Worship, please feel free to contact our Worship Head, Pearl at 96686111 or pearlharbour91@gmail.com.

We hope to see you at Morning Worship!